Friday, September 8, 2017

Random Talk | How I Fell for Photography

It’s has been a while since I started to learn photography. I think I started it around this beginning of the year and has fallen for it since last year. So, how I fell for photography? Well, it was started when I got to know two amazing people at my late company I worked for. They are both amazing photographers. They are Mas Ogie and Mbak Vania. Mas Ogie is a photographer at my late company I worked for while Mba Vania is food photographer for the late project I worked for also. Before I met them, I never thought the slightest thing about learning photography as you may know I am more interested in reading or writing. But those photos they took never fails to amaze me even when at one time when Mas Ogie took a photo of a messy table so beautifully when he and I did the project together.

This one takes by Mas Ogie though he said that it's intentionally a fun shoot!

All this amazing picture was taken by Mbak Vania
But, Mbak Vania is the one who really makes me fall hard on photography when she said that she never had a educational background in photography and she started it when she married. She learned it from a seminar, photography magazine and her fellow photographers. Her hard work and dedication to photography even though she doesn’t have the background before inspire me so much. Oh and, I did tell you guys before that she is a food photographer, right? And she is. Another thing that makes me so inspired of her that she combines her two favorite things in her hobby and work, cooking and photography. She likes to cook and try to come up with the new recipes and when she’s done cooking, she will platting the food so beautifully and take the photo. She said also her very first time taking food photo was nerve wrecking because at that time she didn’t have any photo equipment except the camera and has no much props choice to platting the food. Bur her very first photo never make her down. Instead, she works hard even more to get the best picture she wanted.

This is may not my very first photo but this is the beginning
where I start to learn photography seriously with my new cam
When I started this blog a few years ago, I always wanted to provide my writing with the best picture. I’m so fed up with myself when I was about to find the perfect picture in Google for my writing because I didn’t have my own picture of the photo (That's way I have re-design and delete my blog for few times). Don’t ask me about the phone camera because well at that time the pixel camera on handphone was not high enough to satisfy my need in the photo. Ask my parents to buy me a camera? Well hell no! I grew up in the family where you have to work your as* hard off to get what you want (which is the good thing for me, so I wasn’t growing up as a spoiled brat!).

So, after one year hard working with blood and tears, I got to buy my dream camera this beginning of the year. Though it is not the most expensive and high-tech camera, at least I can start to learn photography so I can provide my writing with the picture that I personally take. 



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